Welcome to the Induction therapy in kidney transplantation course

Given the changes and increasing range of drugs available for maintenance immunosuppression, the time is right to re-examine how we use induction therapy in the field of transplantation. This is especially important as we strive for personalised medicine and person-centred care. This course incudes 10 lectures and gives a broad overview of the subject of induction but more importantly looks at how we approach this subject in different patient groups. It will cover the advantages but also look at possible consequences of using induction treatment to provide the attendee with a balance view of these powerful agents.

By taking this course, learners will:

  • understand the range, benefits and consequences of different induction regimens
  • understand how to personalise induction regimens for the individual patient needs.


Lecture title Speaker’s details
Introductory lecture Marta Crespo, Fundació IMIM, Barcelona, Spain
Induction therapy in the elderly: let's not pick the wrong culprit! Xavier Charmetant, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France
Recipients with comorbidities Marlies Reinders, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Induction immunosuppression in kidney transplantation Rachel Hellemans, University of Antwerp, Belgium
CMV and induction Fernanda Ortiz, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
Long-term kidney transplant outcomes: role of induction and IS Martijn van den Hoogen, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Alloimmune risk stratification for kidney transplant patients Sunil Daga, St James's University Hospital, Leeds, United Kingdom
EBV and BKV in kidney transplant recipients Sophie Alain, CHU de Limoges, Limoges, France
Pregnancy after living kidney donation Laura Skinner, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Waiting list management: from the cardiovascular perspective Adnan Sharif, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

To watch the recordings of the ESOT new online workshop series on induction therapy in kidney transplantation, please go to the tab “Online country workshops".